A young seed germinates in the forest before unfurling and finding her way through the rich dark soil of the earth. As she becomes a young seedling she stretches toward the sunlight, wondering what she will someday become. Nourished by the dewdrops she grows in anticipation of the possibilities hidden within her. While still very small, some of her leaves and branches are eaten by animals. Despite the set-back, she grows and matures until one day she discovers her purpose . . . she is an apple tree. She delights in being an apple tree; but over time she continues to encounter hardships, some of which are seemingly insurmountable.

A Story of Becoming, by Ayn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D. is a beautiful tale that will resonate with readers young and old. This is a story which speaks on many levels to the hearts of readers who will relate to the hopes, fears and dreams of the apple tree as she struggles to survive and fulfill her purpose. Exquisite illustrations provide the perfect backdrop for the words penned in this lovely book which is sure to become a favorite among readers of all ages.

Truly an exceptional literary insight into the life and love of a tree! A Story of Becoming is a must read for all ages!”Ayn Cates Sullivan is truly a human connected with the earth and the spiritual forces that reside here. Her ability to communicate through her writing the feelings, thoughts and ideas of the apple tree is truly profound and the illustrations are breathtakingly beautiful. So often humans pass by the trees, plants and creatures of the earth without a forethought. This book, however, invites us all to stop, pause, wonder, and listen to each story, for all of the earth has a story to tell. Ayn does a wonderful and beautiful job of telling the story of apple tree and the people and animals who love her. I highly recommend this book to adults and children alike as it serves as a reminder of the magic and the wonder of the Universe is alive and everywhere!”
– Meghan A Mulqueenon December 27, 2015
“A Story of Becoming” surrounds your heart and mind with the magic and intelligence of nature. It has the power to awaken young and old to a greater connected consciousness. And for those who already can hear the whispers of the elements and feel the shudders of the trees, reading this story feels as good as stepping into a natural hot spring with your favorite friends. The illustrations are so beautiful and immediately transport you to another world. A story to cozy-up with, and be reminded of the bigger picture all around us.”
– Spryte Loriano-Ecuador
This is one of the most powerful books I have ever held in my hands. It is like HOPE, blazing from it’s beautifully illustrated pages. For ANYONE who has gone through loss, life changes, seemingly insurmountable challenges, illness, or any kind of life challenge, this book is like a healing balm for the soul. Just holding it opens a whole new world of beauty where we realize that ALL THAT challenge and difficulty, is about to make us something incredible – someone healed, healthy, radiant and whole, and capable of blessing the world. An amazing book for you, and all those you love reaching for hope, for a map, for the “what comes after this” … Another incredible book from Ayn Cates Sullivan.
– By C. Remond on November 22, 2015